Since its inception, the Civic Influence Hub undertook various initiatives and activities in partnership with public and private institutions proposing solutions for multiple sectors. As the October 17 2019 Revolution broke out, the CIH decided to put all its resources in support whether on the ground with “The Hub” tent among all groups, or the expanded dialogue meeting under the title “The Revolution After 120 Days – The Economic and Financial Crisis” which was attended by a wide segment of revolutionaries and specialists.

On July 15th 2020, the CIH decided to take a step further by launching, among other groups, the Civic National Front as a platform concerned with unity in diversity, unification of concepts and the intersection of tracks in the October 17 Revolution.

As the CIH will always be committed to the best interest of Lebanon through the pursuit of good governance, more activities will be executed.

We Shall Soldier On To Pursue Our Vision!