In 2019-2021 – the starting of a diplomatic endeavor with Lebanon’s historical friends starting with the Holy See, the League of Arab States, the United Nations and the Arab countries and the partners in the international community to deepen the reflection on the nature of the existential threat facing Lebanon as a country, and the communities living together – all working together to help free the country from all types of occupation.
Also, the CIH strengthened the cooperation with the diaspora and contributed, with 8 American organizations, founded by Lebanese, in forming the Lebanese – American Coordinating Committee (LACC) in the United States of America, with the entire world as its jurisdiction and operational ground.

The Civic Influence Hub (CIH) is the Lebanese advisory organization to the Lebanese American Coordinating Committee (LACC) that represents a coalition of eight Lebanese-American organizations working together to support Lebanon’s sovereignty, independence, and democracy. Visit LACC website

It does so by calling for the respect of the inherent rights of all Lebanese citizens, cherishing Lebanon’s diversity as an enriching factor, advocating to hold its leaders to higher standards of governance, ensuring that elections will happen freely, fairly, transparently, and on time, supporting a free and independent judiciary, and affirming that Lebanon’s security be maintained only through the legitimate Lebanese Armed and Security Forces. To advance its objectives, the LACC developed a set of principles which governs its operations and advocacy efforts with officials and decision-making centers in Washington, D.C. The LACC also partners with like-minded organizations in Lebanon and across the diaspora. Alongside its eight core member organizations, the LACC has formed a robust Advisory Committee comprising experts across various fields who can guide the Committee’s work.

The Lebanese American organizations that are working together are:

Assembly for Lebanon (AFL)
Lebanese American Renaissance Partnership (LARP)
Lebanese Information Center (LIC)
Our New Lebanon (ONL)
Shields of United Lebanon (SOUL)
World Lebanese Cultural Union (WLCU)
Lebanese For Lebanon Foundation (LFLF)
The American Lebanese Policy Institute- Political Action Committee (ALPI-PAC)
Lebanese Partner Organization: Civic Influence Hub (CIH)

In June 2023, Civic Influence Hub (CIH) contributed in launching the Comité de Coordination Libano-Français (CCLF) as the Lebanese advisory organization.

The Comité de Coordination Libano-Français (CCLF) includes thes following associations:

Change Lebanon (CL)

Collectif Libanais de France (CLF)

Forum Libanais en Europe (FLE)

Mouvement des Citoyens Libanais du Monde (MCLM)

Our New Lebanon – France (ONL – France)

The Lebanese Diaspora Network (TLDN-France)

The CCLF aspires, through effective diplomacy and initiative, to build bridges of cooperation between France and Lebanon in order for them to strengthen the values of freedom, justice and human rights, and common interests, and to push towards activating Lebanon’s role in the international community in cooperation with France.

Main headlines for the Comité de Coordination Libano-Français (CCLF) Vision:

● Implementing the Lebanese constitution with all its provisions to preserve the Lebanese civilized identity in freedom, pluralism, and the living together,

● Prioritizing the restoration of sovereignty,
● Ending up the destructive use of confessionalism,
● Establishing a state of citizenship and respect for diversity,
● Pushing towards achieving justice with the establishment of the rule of law and accountability
● Respecting the neutrality of Lebanon based on the Baabda Declaration (2012) with the implementation of the resolutions of the United Nations and the Arab League, knowing that Lebanon is a founding member.
● Applying the structural and sectorial economic, social and financial reforms,
● Executing the expanded administrative decentralization,
● Emphasizing the right of the return of Palestinian refugees as stipulated in United Nations resolutions, and facilitating the return of Syrian refugees as well in a way that avoids any form of disguise or direct settlement in Lebanon.

Les grands titres de la vision du Comité de Coordination Libano-Français (CCLF):

  • l’application de la Constitution libanaise dans tous ses articles pour préserver l’identité libanaise porteuse de valeurs de liberté, de pluralité et de vivre-ensemble ;
  • la restauration de la souveraineté de l’Etat libanais considérée comme priorité première ;
  • l’arrêt de l’utilisation du confessionnalisme dans la sphère politique ;
  • l’établissement d’un État de citoyenneté respectant la pluralité ;
  • la primauté de la justice avec un État de droit et la promotion du mérite ;
  • le respect de la neutralité du Liban sur la base de la « Déclaration de Baabda » (2012), et l’application des résolutions des Nations Unies et de la Ligue arabe dont le Liban est un membre fondateur ;
  • le lancement sans tarder des réformes structurelles, sectorielles, économiques, sociales et financières ;
  • la mise en place de la décentralisation administrative élargie ;
  • l’attachement au droit au retour des réfugiés palestiniens conformément aux résolutions des Nations Unies, ainsi que le retour des réfugiés syriens tout en évitant toute forme de naturalisation dissimulée ou directe.

Suivez la Comité de Coordination Libano-Français (CCLF) sur les réseaux sociaux  
