In a cumulative effort since 2012 towards the developing public policies and good governance, it has become evident to the members of the “Civic Influence Hub” with their partners that the central reformist approach in Lebanon begins with pushing towards the application of Article 95 in the Constitution. This article calls for the “Establishment of the National Committee to Abolish Confessionalism.” The “Civic Influence Hub” expressed its clear vision in this context through the “Declaration of Principles of Citizenship in a Free, Just, Sovereign, and Independent Civic State” (2017).

From this standpoint, the October 17, 2019, uprising postponed the continuation of this framework. The CIH resumed in 2022 to launch the process of preparing a comprehensive study on Article 95 of the constitution, encompassing its philosophy, problematics, and constitutional/political vision. This led to the decision to form the “Civic Committee for Building a State of Citizenship,” which was launched in April 2024.